Monday, November 27, 2006

So I saw this amazing movie a few days ago. It was called "Arguing the World" and its a 1997 documentary, I think it aired on PBS. It's about 4 New York intellectuals, Irving Howe, Irving Kristol, Nathan Glazar and Daniel Bell, who all started on the Trotskyist, anti-Stalinist left, and all moved in different directions. The problem with the film? All four of these guys are Jewish, yet this fact is sort of glossed over. It is mentioned, but minimally. The Holocaust, anti-Semitism (from Stalin, Black Nationalists after 1967, etc) as well as Israel are all barely mentioned at all. That is too bad.Still, it's a great fiilm that I recommend to all.

Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm in the NYU library now. I've actually sort of gotten excited about my schoolwork, which is nice. I re-read this article by David Hollinger about cosmopolitanism and intellectuals and stuff. Really liked it.

In other news, the Harvard-Yale football game is tomorrow. Do I care about this? Not really. Though Harvard's running back is a nice young man from Toronto named Clifton Dawson, and I hope he does well.

The big football game this weekend is of course Ohio State versus Michigan. Michigan is the underdog, and I have enough friends from Michigan to warrant rooting for the Wolverines.

The real football game though involves Rutgers and Cincinnati. Rutgers is the big story of NCAA football this year. I root for them for four reasons: 1) They are an underdog to go to the national championship game, but do have a chance, 2) Rutgers is in New Jersey, 3) my friend Yosef went to Rutgers, and mostl importantly, 4) Paul Robeson went to Rutgers and played on the football team there. Who is Paul Robeson? Only the greatest African-American Communist of all time. He was also a superb student, a lawyer, pro football player, actor and gospel singer and friend of the Jews. A truly great man. Go Rutgers.

Monday, November 13, 2006

So it's true I haven't blogged for a while. Apparently this grad school thing is a lot more work than undergrad. And this is one of my busiest weeks yet. I have a presentation on Wednesday and another on Thursday. So this can't be a really long post. But I am going to try to post more frequently because there is an extremely small minority of people who read my blog. I mean really small. We're talking infinitesmal. I guess I should probably send out a mass-email to people telling them that my blog is still alive.

Anyways, I'm going to be going to the weight room soon. I went yesterday as well. I'm developing some sort of a routine. I will post at greater length about the weight room soon. I promise. Let me just say now that the recent US elections had perhaps the best possible result for me: Democrats regain house and senate, Arnold Schwarzenegger remains in power.
