Israelis and Palestinians coming together to lose weight. Check it out here.
This strikes me as something hilarious but maybe helpful. It also screams reality television show.
I couldn't possibly tell you what this blog will be about. Except that it will be about me. And food. And other stuff that may or may not interest you.
Israelis and Palestinians coming together to lose weight. Check it out here.
So I've been reading Kwame Anthony Appiah's book on Cosmopolitanism. It's pretty good. I think I have come to fancy myself a cosmopolitan. It's strange. I was at a Jewish Studies conference on Nation, Diaspora and Landedness recently, and I realized that I don't really feel at home in America. I'm comfortable here, but I'm not American. I'm Canadian. Of course, I don't feel very Canadian either. I root for Canadian sports teams, I like poutine and building snowmen and speaking French with a Quebecois accent, but I'm not patriotic at all. I have a greater loyalty to Israel, and to the Jewish people more broadly, than I do to Canada or the United States. But though I'm a Zionist, I'm not Israeli either, and I'm not sure I'd really feel at home in Israel. So where does this leave me? It leaves me committed to a secular Jewish particularism, a left-wing supporter of the Israeli state but not an especially loyal citizen of anywhere. Am I a citizen of the world? I like all sorts of exotic foods, and appreciate all cultures. But I'm more of an appreciater than a real cosmopolitan. I love Celtic music, but I'm not Irish, not Celtic, and I somehow feel it would be illegitimate of me to be Celtic. I'm confused again.