Thursday, March 29, 2007

So I waste an inordinate amount of time, so I figured I might as well waste some of it blogging. I'll try to blog more frequently. And then develop a readership of sorts. And maybe change the world. But doubtful.

I was just thinking about the Middle East, and Israel, as I sometimes do. And I thought I about how pathetic Ehud Olmert is, and how Israel needs a leader willing to take tremendous steps to make peace. Really willing to work every single day to in that direction. And I'm not sure who that person it is, but it might be novelist David Grossman.

Let me admit now that I've never read any of Grossman's novels, in English translation, and certainly not in the original Hebrew (my Hebrew is mediocre at best, though I hope to improve it). But I've read some of his articles, I've heard him speak (and read excerpts from his novels, which were great) and most importantly I've read the speech he delivered, to Ehud Olmert, following the recent death of his Grossman's son while fighting in Lebanon.

This is a man who should be leading Israel. If there is a Draft Gore movement for Al Gore in the United States, there should be a Draft Grossman movement for Israel. How can we get one started?


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