Sunday, June 11, 2006

So I recently saw Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth." Let me preface these comments by saying that though I am a liberal, I'm not a huge environmentalist. I think protecting the environment is important, but on my list of issues, it's near the bottom (not that I actually do anything to advance causes I support). I always found that environmentalism was the classic New Left limousine liberal cause. Rich people who live good lives can care about shit like global warming. Poor people don't always have that luxury. The environment to me was always a means to an end, it should be protected to benefit humans, not because it is itself an instrinsic good.

Saying that, this movie really scared me. It was an incredible film, really powerful, interesting and alarming. True, the movie was essentially Al Gore lecturing to you. I'm a big nerd and was blessed (or cursed) with a love of lectures. So I had no real problem with this. Some people think it's this kind of lecturing that alienated the American public in 2000. But I think America needs this kind of lecturing now. The world has to get its act together to prevent global warming from causing terrible natural disasters in the future.

I actually found it hard to watch, like a horror movie, because it really was horrifying. The Omen has nothing on global warming. Furthermore, I almost welled up in tears at one point. I thought to myself, wow I'm going to be doing a PhD in history, locking myself up in the Ivory Tower, while Al Gore is out there trying to save the world.

I really think Al should run for president. Is he using this global warming issue as a lightning rod for a campaign? Or does he simply want to be drafted by the democrats? I'm not sure, but I don't think it matters. He's the most qualified guy out there, a smart guy with genuine knowledge about this and many other important issues. He was an opponent of the Iraq War (which I regret supporting) but he's still tough on terrorists. I think he will be a much better president for the economy, helping level the playing field. And he's a friend of Israel.

When I think about comparing him to the moron Americans have in the White House now, it's really frightening. I'm one of those who genuinely believes that Dubya is a complete imbecile. I think he's got some smart, manipulative people around him, but really he's a dolt. America needs a good leader like Al Gore, and American needs to take the lead in the fight against global warming.

When I will finally be able to afford a car, in the year 2034 or so, I'm going to try to buy a hybrid. Hopefully they'll have brown hybrid station wagons.


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