Friday, June 09, 2006

So I thought I would comment on this new Canadian terror cell that was recently uncovered. Of course this is kind of scary. What interests me is the fact that these people are not really linked with Al Qaeda, but they are "Al Qaeda inspired." To me, this can be construed as both good and bad. It is good, in the sense that they probably don't have the skills and effectiveness that full-fledged members of Al Qaeda do, nor perhaps do they have access to the resources that the Al Qaeda network does.

At the same time, it might be bad because though they seemed to be grandiose in their objectives and inefficient in carrying anything out, they still got a hold of a lot of weaponry and even tried to get three tons of ammonium nitrate. So while they seemed to be buffoons, they were dangerous buffoons. And the fact that they were only "inspired" by Al Qaeda means that anywhere, in Canada, US, Europe, people who would otherwise be regular people, sometimes even citizens, can become inspired by some kind of radical doctrine and resort to violence. This is very scary, because it seems that it can happen anywhere and is difficult to prevent.


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